Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Fruit Satay Sauce Brown (Sate Buah Saus Coklat)

Bahan :
  • 10 buah tusuk satai
  • 10 buah anggur hijau
  • 10 buang anggur merah
  • 10 buah stroberi
  • 2 buah pisang ambon
  • 1 buah kiwi, kupas, potong-potong
  • 1/2 buah kelapa setengah tua, kupas, parut
Saus Cokelat :
  • 100 gr dark cooking chocolate
  • 100 ml susu cair
Cara Membuat :
Sangrai kelapa hingga kecokelatan, angkat.
Masukkan pisang dan kiwi ke dalam kelapa sangrai, aduk rata.
Tusukkan buah-buahan dengan tusukan satai. Sisihkan.
Saus cokelat: Panaskan susu cair, kemudian masukkan potongan cokelat, aduk hingga cokelat larut. Angkat.
Sajikan satai buah dengan saus cokelat.

     10 fruit skewer satai
     10 green grapes
     10 dispose of red wine
     10 strawberries
     2 pieces of banana
     1 kiwi fruit, peeled, cut into pieces
     Half old half-coconuts, peeled, grated

Chocolate Sauce:

     100 g dark cooking chocolate
     100 ml milk

How to Make:

Toasted coconut until browned, remove from heat.

Enter the banana and kiwi into a roasted coconut, mix well.

Stick with fruits satai puncture. Set aside.

Chocolate sauce: Heat the milk, then enter the chocolate pieces, stirring until the chocolate dissolves. Lift.

Satai Serve fruit with chocolate sauce.

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