Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Pancake Cehrry Dark

1 botol (200 gram) green’s the original pancake shake
200 ml air
200 ml krim kental, kocok hingga mengembang
25 gram almond, sangrai, cincang kasar untuk taburan

Bahan Saus:
1/2 kaleng dark cherry, tiriskan, cincang kasar
125 ml air dark cherry kaleng
25 gram gula pasir
75 ml air
2 sendok teh maizena, larutkan dengan 2 sendok teh air

Cara membuat:
  1. Saus, masak dark cherry, air dark cherry, gula pasir, dan air hingga mendidih. Kentalkan dengan larutan maizena. Sisihkan.
  2. Tuang air ke dalam botol Green’s the original pancake shake. Kocok di dalam botol selama 1 menit hingga ter campur rata.
  3. Tuang satu sendok sayur kecil di wajan datar tanpa dioles margarin. Biarkan asal berkulit. Balik. Biarkan sampai matang.
  4. Semprotkan krim kocok pada permukaan selembar pancake. Siram bahan saus. Tutup dengan pancake. Ulangi selapis lagi. Tutup dengan krim kocok dan siram saus. Taburkan almond di atas saus.

Untuk 4 porsi

The materials / spices:

1 bottle (200 g) green's the original pancake shake

200 ml of water

200 ml heavy cream, whipped until fluffy

25 grams of almonds, toasted, coarsely chopped for sprinkling

Sauce Ingredients:

1/2 cans of dark cherry, drained, roughly chopped

125 ml water cans dark cherry

25 grams sugar

75 ml of water

2 teaspoons cornstarch, dissolved in 2 teaspoons water

How to make:

     Sauce, ripe dark cherry, dark cherry water, sugar, and water to boil. Thicken with cornstarch solution. Set aside.
     Pour water into a bottle of Green's the original pancake shake. Shake in a jar for 1 minute to pitch mix well.
     Pour a small ladle in the pan flat without smeared margarine. Let the origin skinned. Behind. Leave to mature.
     Spray whipped cream on the surface of a piece of pancake. Pour the sauce ingredients. Cover with pancakes. Repeat layer again. Cover with whipped cream and pour sauce. Sprinkle almonds on top of the sauce.

Makes 4 servings

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