Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Hot ChoCho Almond Cake

Bahan Cake:
200 gram margarin
180 gram gula pasir halus
4 butir telur
30 gram cokelat bubuk dan 100 ml susu cair hangat larutkan
150 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
50 gram almond bubuk
1 sendok teh baking powder
1/2 sendok teh essen almond
30 gram chocolate chips
Bahan Saus:
150 gram stroberi cincang kasar
150 gram selai stroberi
50 ml air
Cara Mengolah Resep:
  1. Saus, masak saus sambil diaduk sampai kental. Sisihkan.
  2. Cake, kocok margarin dan gula pasir halus sampai lembut. Tambahkan telur satu per satu bergantian dengan sebagian tepung terigu sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  3. Masukkan sisa tepung terigu, almond bubuk, dan baking powder bergantian dengan larutan cokelat bubuk sambil diayak dan dikocok perlahan. Tambahkan chocolate chips. Aduk rata.
  4. Tuang 2 sendok makan saus di dasar pinggan tahan panas kecil yang dioles margarin. Tuang adonan cake.
  5. Letakkan di loyang yang diberi sedikit air. Oven 30 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat Celsius.
  6. Panas-panas keluarkan cake dari cetakan.
Resep Tersebut Untuk: 8 Potong.

 Sauce Ingredients:

150 grams of chopped strawberries

150 grams of strawberry jam

50 ml of water

How to Treat Recipe:

     Sauce, cook the sauce, stirring until thickened. Set aside.
     Cake, beat margarine and sugar until smooth. Add eggs one at a time alternately with flour partially sifted and shaken while average.
     Add the remaining flour, ground almonds and baking powder alternately with cocoa powder as she sifted solution and shaken gently. Add chocolate chips. Stir well.
     Pour 2 tablespoons of sauce in the bottom of a small heat resistant dish spread with margarine. Pour the cake batter.
     Place in a pan with a little water. Oven 30 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.
     Hot-hot remove cake from the mold.

Such Prescription To: Cut 8.

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