Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Roll Cake ChoCho Box

Bahan Cake:
12 kuning telur
2 putih telur
125 gram gula pasir
50 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
30 gram cokelat bubuk
15 gram susu bubuk
1/4 sendok teh baking powder
125 gram margarin, lelehkan
1 sendok teh cokelat pasta

Bahan Filling:
150 gram selai cokelat
bahan toppng:
200 gram buttercream putih
Bahan Hiasan:
250 gram dark cooking chocolate, lelehkan untuk lapisan samping
bahan aneka cokelat:
12 buah cokelat merah muda, cetak dicetakan cokelat mawar
12 buah permen cokelat putih dengan bentuk kado
12 buah truffle cokelat dari biskuit, dicoret-coret tipis cokelat putih
Cara Mengolah Resep:
  1. Cake, kocok telur dan gula pasir sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, susu bubuk, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
  2. Masukkan margarin dan cokelat pasta sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.
  3. Tuang di loyang 28x28x3 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
  4. Oven 20 menit dengan api bawah suhu 190 derajat Celcius sampai matang. Bagi dua cake.
  5. Ambil selembar cake. Oleskan selai cokelat. Gulung dan padatkan.
  6. Potong-potong cake dengan lebar 4 cm.
  7. Oles tipis sisi cake dengan selai cokelat.
  8. Siapkan plastik mika ukuran lebar 5 cm.
  9. Oleskan dark cooking chocolate yang dilelehkan. Biarkan agak beku. Lilitkan di sisi cake. Masukkan dalam freezer sampai beku. Buka plastik mikanya.
  10. Semprot atas cake dengan buttercream asal aja. Hias dengan aneka permen cokelat.
Resep Tersebut Untuk: 12 Buah.

 Cake Ingredients:

12 egg yolks

2 egg whites

125 grams of granulated sugar

50 grams of cake flour

30 grams of cocoa powder

15 grams of milk powder

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

125 grams of margarine, melted

1 teaspoon brown paste

Filling Ingredients:

150 grams of peanut butter chocolate

toppng materials:

200 grams of white buttercream

Decoration Material:

250 grams of dark cooking chocolate, melted for coating side

various ingredients of chocolate:

12 pieces of pink chocolate, chocolate rose print dicetakan

12 pieces of white chocolate candy with the form of gifts

12 pieces of chocolate truffle cookies, chocolate was often painted white thin

How to Treat Recipe:

     Cake, beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add the flour, cocoa powder, milk powder, and baking powder as she sifted and mix evenly.
     Enter the margarine and chocolate paste in small increments, stirring gently.
     Pour in baking pan 28x28x3 cm dialas smeared with margarine and baking paper.
     Oven 20 minutes with the flame temperature below 190 degrees Celsius until cooked. For two cake.
     Take a piece of cake. Spread peanut butter chocolate. Roll up and condense.
     Cut the cake with a width of 4 cm.
     Spread thinly with peanut butter chocolate cake side.
     Prepare plastic mica width of 5 cm.
     Spread melted dark cooking chocolate. Let somewhat frozen. Wrap the side of cake. Enter in the freezer until frozen. Open plastic mikanya.
     Spray top of cake with buttercream origin wrote. Garnish with a variety of chocolate candy.

Such Prescription For: 12 Fruits.

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