Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

ChoCholate Chip Pizza

  • 250 g mentega tawar
  • 175 g gula pasir
  • 125 g brown sugar1)
  • 2 butir telur ayam
  • 1 batang vanilla, ambil bijinya
  • 300 g chocolate chip
  • 125 g kacang mete, cincang kasar
  • Bahan kering, ayak bersama:
  • 375 g tepung terigu serbaguna
  • 1 sdt soda kue/baking soda
  • 1 sdt garam
  • Krim kental/heavy cream
  • Saus cokelat siap pakai
Cara Membuat:
  1. Kocok mentega, gula, brown sugar, telur, dan vanilla menggunakan whisk hingga rata. Masukkan bahan kering, setengah bagian chocolate chip, dan setengah bagian kacang, aduk rata.
  2. Letakkan adonan di atas loyang, tekan-tekan sambil ratakan hingga menutup seluruh loyang. Taburi sisa chocolate chip dan sisa kacang. Tekan-tekan sedikit agar menyatu ke adonan.
  3. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 160° C hingga matang (± 20 menit). Keluarkan. Sajikan disertai pelengkap.(f)
1)Brown sugar: Jenis gula pasir yang ditambahkan molasses sehingga berwarna cokelat muda. Dapatkan di supermarket besar.
untuk 12 potong

     250 g unsalted butter
     175 g sugar
     125 g brown sugar1)
     2 chicken eggs
     1 stick of vanilla, take the seeds
     300 g chocolate chips
     125 g cashew nuts, roughly chopped
     Dry ingredients, sifted together:
     375 g flour versatile
     1 tsp baking soda / baking soda
     1 tsp salt


     Heavy cream / heavy cream
     Ready-made chocolate sauce

How to Make:

     Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla using a whisk until blended. Enter the dry ingredients, half of the chocolate chips, and half the beans, stir well.
     Place the dough on a baking sheet, flatten with a tap-tap to cover the entire pan. Sprinkle the rest of the chocolate chips and remaining nuts. Tap-tap slightly to blend into the batter.
     Bake in hot oven temperature of 160 ° C until cooked (± 20 minutes). Remove. Serve accompanied by complementary. (F)

1) Brown sugar: sugar added type of molasses that is light brown. Get in large supermarkets.

for 12 pieces

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