Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

taro pudding coconut milk sauce

1.250 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
1 1/2 bungkus agar-agar bubuk
200 gram gula pasir
1/4 sendok teh garam
3/4 sendok teh pasta talas
4 tetes pewarna ungu

Bahan Saus:
500 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa
1/4 sendok teh garam
75 gram gula pasir
2 sendok makan maizena dan 2 sendok makan air, dilarutkan
50 gram sagu mutiara, direbus, ditiriskan

Cara membuat puding talas saus santan mutiara:
  1. Rebus santan, agar-agar, gula, garam, pasta talas, dan pewarna ungu. Masak sambil diaduk sampai mendidih.
  2. Tuang ke dalam gelas. Biarkan beku.
  3. Saus, rebus santan, garam, dan gula. Masak sambil diaduk sampai mendidih. Kentalkan dengan larutan maizena. Masak sambil diaduk sampai meletup-letup. Tambahkan sagu mutiara. Aduk rata.
  4. Tuangkan saus di atas puding talas.                                                                                                        untuk 12 buah                                                                                                                                       The materials / spices:
    1,250 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
    1 1/2 packs of gelatin powder
    200 grams of granulated sugar
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Taro paste 3/4 teaspoon
    4 drops of purple dye

    Sauce Ingredients:
    500 ml coconut milk from half coconut
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    75 grams sugar
    2 tablespoons cornstarch and 2 tablespoons water, dissolved
    50 grams sago pearls, boiled, drained

    How to make coconut milk sauce taro pudding pearls:

         Boil coconut milk, gelatin, sugar, salt, pasta taro, and purple dye. Cook, stirring until boiling.
         Pour into a glass. Let frozen.
         Sauce, boiled coconut milk, salt, and sugar. Cook, stirring until boiling. Thicken with cornstarch solution. Cook, stirring frequently until bubbling. Add sago pearls. Stir well.
         Pour the sauce over the pudding taro.
                                                                                                        for 12 pieces

Ombre Rose Cake Decorate

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

beautiful wedding cake

cake and cupcake unique

Roll Cake ChoCho Box

Bahan Cake:
12 kuning telur
2 putih telur
125 gram gula pasir
50 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
30 gram cokelat bubuk
15 gram susu bubuk
1/4 sendok teh baking powder
125 gram margarin, lelehkan
1 sendok teh cokelat pasta

Bahan Filling:
150 gram selai cokelat
bahan toppng:
200 gram buttercream putih
Bahan Hiasan:
250 gram dark cooking chocolate, lelehkan untuk lapisan samping
bahan aneka cokelat:
12 buah cokelat merah muda, cetak dicetakan cokelat mawar
12 buah permen cokelat putih dengan bentuk kado
12 buah truffle cokelat dari biskuit, dicoret-coret tipis cokelat putih
Cara Mengolah Resep:
  1. Cake, kocok telur dan gula pasir sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu, cokelat bubuk, susu bubuk, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata.
  2. Masukkan margarin dan cokelat pasta sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan.
  3. Tuang di loyang 28x28x3 cm yang dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
  4. Oven 20 menit dengan api bawah suhu 190 derajat Celcius sampai matang. Bagi dua cake.
  5. Ambil selembar cake. Oleskan selai cokelat. Gulung dan padatkan.
  6. Potong-potong cake dengan lebar 4 cm.
  7. Oles tipis sisi cake dengan selai cokelat.
  8. Siapkan plastik mika ukuran lebar 5 cm.
  9. Oleskan dark cooking chocolate yang dilelehkan. Biarkan agak beku. Lilitkan di sisi cake. Masukkan dalam freezer sampai beku. Buka plastik mikanya.
  10. Semprot atas cake dengan buttercream asal aja. Hias dengan aneka permen cokelat.
Resep Tersebut Untuk: 12 Buah.

 Cake Ingredients:

12 egg yolks

2 egg whites

125 grams of granulated sugar

50 grams of cake flour

30 grams of cocoa powder

15 grams of milk powder

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

125 grams of margarine, melted

1 teaspoon brown paste

Filling Ingredients:

150 grams of peanut butter chocolate

toppng materials:

200 grams of white buttercream

Decoration Material:

250 grams of dark cooking chocolate, melted for coating side

various ingredients of chocolate:

12 pieces of pink chocolate, chocolate rose print dicetakan

12 pieces of white chocolate candy with the form of gifts

12 pieces of chocolate truffle cookies, chocolate was often painted white thin

How to Treat Recipe:

     Cake, beat eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add the flour, cocoa powder, milk powder, and baking powder as she sifted and mix evenly.
     Enter the margarine and chocolate paste in small increments, stirring gently.
     Pour in baking pan 28x28x3 cm dialas smeared with margarine and baking paper.
     Oven 20 minutes with the flame temperature below 190 degrees Celsius until cooked. For two cake.
     Take a piece of cake. Spread peanut butter chocolate. Roll up and condense.
     Cut the cake with a width of 4 cm.
     Spread thinly with peanut butter chocolate cake side.
     Prepare plastic mica width of 5 cm.
     Spread melted dark cooking chocolate. Let somewhat frozen. Wrap the side of cake. Enter in the freezer until frozen. Open plastic mikanya.
     Spray top of cake with buttercream origin wrote. Garnish with a variety of chocolate candy.

Such Prescription For: 12 Fruits.

Blueberry ChoCho Cake

Bahan Resep:
bahan base (aduk rata):
200 gram plain crackers, haluskan
100 gram mentega tawar, lelehkan
Bahan Cake:

6 kuning telur ayam
40 ml putih (dari 1 butir) telur ayam
85 gram gula pasir
1/4 sendok teh garam
75 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
20 gram tepung maizena
15 gram susu bubuk
100 gram mentega tawar, lelehkan
1/2 sendok teh pasta cokelat
bahan blueberry:
25 gram mentega tawar
100 gram cream cheese
150 gram krim kocok dari 50 gram krim bubuk dan 100 gram air es
50 gram susu kental manis
100 gram selai blueberry
2 tetes pewarna ungu
bahan selai (masak hingga larut):
100 gram selai blueberry halus
1 sendok makan air
bahan cokelat:
300 ml krim kental
400 gram dark cooking chocolate, potong-potong
100 gram krim kocok dari 35 gram krim bubuk dan 65 gram air es
Cara Membuat Resep:
  1. Cake, kocok kuning telur, putih telur, gula pasir, dan garam hingga mengembang.
  2. Tambahkan tepung terigu, maizena, dan susu bubuk sambil diaduk rata.
  3. Tuang mentega leleh sambil diaduk perlahan. Bagi menjadi 2 bagian. Satu bagian ditambahkan pasta cokelat. Aduk rata. Satu bagian lagi dibiarkan putih.
  4. Masukkan masing- masing ke dalam loyang persegi 22x22x3 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dialas kertas roti.
  5. Panggang dalam oven panas dengan api bawah suhu 180 derajat Celsius selama 13 menit. Angkat. Dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang. Buang bagian kulit di permukaan kue. Sisihkan.
  6. Blueberry, kocok mentega tawar dingin dan cream cheese hingga lembut. Tambahkan krim kocok sedikit-sedikit hingga rata. Bagi menjadi 2 bagian. Satu bagian ditambahkan selai blueberry dan pewarna ungu. Satu bagian lagi ditambahkan susu kental manis. Sisihkan.
  7. Cokelat, panaskan krim kental. Tambahkan dark cooking chocolate. Aduk hingga larut. Bagi 2 bagian. Satu bagian didinginkan lalu kocok hingga lembut. Tambahkan krim kocok. Kocok rata. Sisihkan.
  8. Penyelesaian, lapisi ring kotak ukuran 22 x 22 cm dengan plastik mika pada sisinya. Tuang adonan base. Padatkan. Sisihkan.
  9. Tuang adonan susu kental manis ke atas base. Tutup dengan cake cokelat. Tuang adonan blueberry. Dinginkan. Tuang selai blueberry. Tutup dengan cake putih. Dinginkan.
  10. Tuang adonan dark cooking chocolate ke atas cake. Ratakan. Dinginkan. Sisihkan.
  11. Panaskan kembali cokelat hingga mencair. Tuang cokelat ke atas cokelat krim. Dinginkan. Sisihkan. Hias ala kafe. Sajikan.
Resep Tersebut Untuk: 30 Potong.

 Recipe Ingredients:

material base (mix well):

200 grams of plain crackers, crushed

100 grams unsalted butter, melted

Cake Ingredients:

6 egg yolks

40 ml white (of 1 items) chicken eggs

85 grams sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

75 grams of cake flour

20 grams of cornstarch

15 grams of milk powder

100 grams unsalted butter, melted

1/2 teaspoon brown paste

blueberry ingredients:

25 grams of unsalted butter

100 grams of cream cheese

150 grams of cream whipped cream powder 50 grams and 100 grams of water ice

50 grams of sweetened condensed milk

100 grams blueberry jam

2 drops of purple dye

jam ingredient (cook until dissolved):

100 grams blueberry jam smooth

1 tablespoon water

brown material:

300 ml heavy cream

400 grams of dark cooking chocolate, cut into pieces

100 grams of cream whipped cream powder 35 grams and 65 grams of water ice

How to Make a Recipe:

     Cake, beat egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, and salt until fluffy.
     Add the flour, cornstarch, and milk powder while stirring.
     Pour the melted butter, stirring gently. Divided into 2 parts. One section was added chocolate paste. Stir well. One other passage is left white.
     Insert each into a square baking pan 22x22x3 cm that has spread with margarine and dialas baking paper.
     Bake in a hot oven with a fire under a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius for 13 minutes. Lift. Cool, remove from pan. Discard the skin on the surface of the cake. Set aside.
     Blueberries, whipped cold unsalted butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add a little whipped cream until blended. Divided into 2 parts. One section was added blueberry jam and purple dye. One part again added sweetened condensed milk. Set aside.
     Chocolate, heat the heavy cream. Add dark cooking chocolate. Stir until dissolved. For 2 parts. One part is cooled and then beat until smooth. Add whipped cream. Beat well. Set aside.
     Completion, seal ring box size 22 x 22 cm with plastic mica on its side. Pour batter base. Condense. Set aside.
     Pour sweetened condensed milk mixture over the base. Cover with chocolate cake. Pour batter blueberries. Chill. Pour blueberry jam. Cover with white cake. Chill.
     Pour batter over dark cooking chocolate cake. Flatten. Chill. Set aside.
     Reheat the chocolate until melted. Pour the chocolate into the cream over the chocolate. Chill. Set aside. Ornamental style cafe. Serve.

Such Prescription To: Cut 30.

Hot ChoCho Almond Cake

Bahan Cake:
200 gram margarin
180 gram gula pasir halus
4 butir telur
30 gram cokelat bubuk dan 100 ml susu cair hangat larutkan
150 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
50 gram almond bubuk
1 sendok teh baking powder
1/2 sendok teh essen almond
30 gram chocolate chips
Bahan Saus:
150 gram stroberi cincang kasar
150 gram selai stroberi
50 ml air
Cara Mengolah Resep:
  1. Saus, masak saus sambil diaduk sampai kental. Sisihkan.
  2. Cake, kocok margarin dan gula pasir halus sampai lembut. Tambahkan telur satu per satu bergantian dengan sebagian tepung terigu sambil diayak dan dikocok rata.
  3. Masukkan sisa tepung terigu, almond bubuk, dan baking powder bergantian dengan larutan cokelat bubuk sambil diayak dan dikocok perlahan. Tambahkan chocolate chips. Aduk rata.
  4. Tuang 2 sendok makan saus di dasar pinggan tahan panas kecil yang dioles margarin. Tuang adonan cake.
  5. Letakkan di loyang yang diberi sedikit air. Oven 30 menit dengan suhu 180 derajat Celsius.
  6. Panas-panas keluarkan cake dari cetakan.
Resep Tersebut Untuk: 8 Potong.

 Sauce Ingredients:

150 grams of chopped strawberries

150 grams of strawberry jam

50 ml of water

How to Treat Recipe:

     Sauce, cook the sauce, stirring until thickened. Set aside.
     Cake, beat margarine and sugar until smooth. Add eggs one at a time alternately with flour partially sifted and shaken while average.
     Add the remaining flour, ground almonds and baking powder alternately with cocoa powder as she sifted solution and shaken gently. Add chocolate chips. Stir well.
     Pour 2 tablespoons of sauce in the bottom of a small heat resistant dish spread with margarine. Pour the cake batter.
     Place in a pan with a little water. Oven 30 minutes with a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.
     Hot-hot remove cake from the mold.

Such Prescription To: Cut 8.

ChoCholate Chip Pizza

  • 250 g mentega tawar
  • 175 g gula pasir
  • 125 g brown sugar1)
  • 2 butir telur ayam
  • 1 batang vanilla, ambil bijinya
  • 300 g chocolate chip
  • 125 g kacang mete, cincang kasar
  • Bahan kering, ayak bersama:
  • 375 g tepung terigu serbaguna
  • 1 sdt soda kue/baking soda
  • 1 sdt garam
  • Krim kental/heavy cream
  • Saus cokelat siap pakai
Cara Membuat:
  1. Kocok mentega, gula, brown sugar, telur, dan vanilla menggunakan whisk hingga rata. Masukkan bahan kering, setengah bagian chocolate chip, dan setengah bagian kacang, aduk rata.
  2. Letakkan adonan di atas loyang, tekan-tekan sambil ratakan hingga menutup seluruh loyang. Taburi sisa chocolate chip dan sisa kacang. Tekan-tekan sedikit agar menyatu ke adonan.
  3. Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 160° C hingga matang (± 20 menit). Keluarkan. Sajikan disertai pelengkap.(f)
1)Brown sugar: Jenis gula pasir yang ditambahkan molasses sehingga berwarna cokelat muda. Dapatkan di supermarket besar.
untuk 12 potong

     250 g unsalted butter
     175 g sugar
     125 g brown sugar1)
     2 chicken eggs
     1 stick of vanilla, take the seeds
     300 g chocolate chips
     125 g cashew nuts, roughly chopped
     Dry ingredients, sifted together:
     375 g flour versatile
     1 tsp baking soda / baking soda
     1 tsp salt


     Heavy cream / heavy cream
     Ready-made chocolate sauce

How to Make:

     Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla using a whisk until blended. Enter the dry ingredients, half of the chocolate chips, and half the beans, stir well.
     Place the dough on a baking sheet, flatten with a tap-tap to cover the entire pan. Sprinkle the rest of the chocolate chips and remaining nuts. Tap-tap slightly to blend into the batter.
     Bake in hot oven temperature of 160 ° C until cooked (± 20 minutes). Remove. Serve accompanied by complementary. (F)

1) Brown sugar: sugar added type of molasses that is light brown. Get in large supermarkets.

for 12 pieces